The writing of this game is fantastic, and the world you play in seamlessly flows from the world of Heroes Rise- sometime shifting focus of story/characters can make you feel like it’s a different setting, even if it all takes place in the same city. I especially enjoyed all the different powers and characters shown in the story. I also very much like the story itself, with the reality TV show, the PC’s strange powers, and the shocking twist in the story revealing the Big Bad.
However, the entire story is utterly riddled with social commentary and seemingly non-stop condemnation of racism, sexism, and bigotry. These things are important issues, but it feels like we’re beaten over the head with them at times. One of the characters, a straight white male (from the South no less! Horror of horrors!) is called out by a trans character for being, surprise surprise, a bigoted, privileged, white male. The man was already written as sort of a jerk character, at that point you’re just trying to write him as a villain. That’s just ONE example
If you overlook those issues- and they’re hard to ignore because it feels like they’re literally everywhere in the story- it’s a very fun game to play through, and I love my character and her relationship with her sister, JK. I hope the next game isn’t so heavy-handed with the Social Justice though.