Hero Project Redemption Season Recenzje App

Too preachy and heavy handed

I appreciate the efforts the author is going to be inclusive but there isn't an ounce of subtlety in this story. There are about 5-6 different points in the game where your character monologues about underrepresented people and has to make a decision about what you plan to do about them. They're literally the same questions and answers slightly reworded with no effect on the story. Of all the Hero Project games I felt like I had the least control over the outcome in this one.

a delightful read

this book, along with the heroes rise trilogy, is absolutely wonderful to read. weaver is literally one of my favorite characters ever. can’t wait for the second book!

The story is great- except for the sermonizing

The writing of this game is fantastic, and the world you play in seamlessly flows from the world of Heroes Rise- sometime shifting focus of story/characters can make you feel like it’s a different setting, even if it all takes place in the same city. I especially enjoyed all the different powers and characters shown in the story. I also very much like the story itself, with the reality TV show, the PC’s strange powers, and the shocking twist in the story revealing the Big Bad. However, the entire story is utterly riddled with social commentary and seemingly non-stop condemnation of racism, sexism, and bigotry. These things are important issues, but it feels like we’re beaten over the head with them at times. One of the characters, a straight white male (from the South no less! Horror of horrors!) is called out by a trans character for being, surprise surprise, a bigoted, privileged, white male. The man was already written as sort of a jerk character, at that point you’re just trying to write him as a villain. That’s just ONE example If you overlook those issues- and they’re hard to ignore because it feels like they’re literally everywhere in the story- it’s a very fun game to play through, and I love my character and her relationship with her sister, JK. I hope the next game isn’t so heavy-handed with the Social Justice though.

Falls far short of previous efforts...pass

The reality show was probably the high water mark of this author's other series, but this one just appears to be long on wind and short on action. Question: what sort of RPG has you describe your character's powers long before basic facts like your character's gender or orientation? Presumably this is some sort of message from the author, but I came here for a fun adventure, not to read the pretentious opinions of some windbag. Give this one a pass. If you want to see a Choice of Games app that handles political messages well, try Choice of Robots or the Hosted Game Choice by Gaslight, which have amazing writing and interesting choices.

Amazing Series

I have always loved these interactive books and I can’t wait for the next one 😁 This one kind of ends abruptly.


This was like having to relive finding out what it means to be bisexual, and I loved every second of it 👌👍.

This lives up to the series

I love this series dearly and hope that this next episode is as good as I hope


I don't buy a Superhero book for Social Justice Warrior moralizing. I enjoyed the first three books because it wasn't the predominant feature, though it was all over it, but this was too much to read; both the subtle and the overt social moralizing made it just boring. I couldn't finish. Let's just overlook the hypocrisy of an SJW writing about equality and not being arbitrarily put into boxes while requiring you to adhere to rigid stereotypical tropes. Maybe I'm calculating but honorable, or a loyal ally but I make my own decisions and won't do anything mindlessly just to keep a trope up so that my legend level doesn't drop. Maybe I let Sparrow or Tarana Rain die over Sonja Challa not because I am a fame seeking sociopath, but because I see the role of a hero to be protecting civilians even at the cost of our lives because we signed up for the job. Final complaint, why is my straight male character who has identified as straight and male, constantly checking out other dudes and having awkward moments of attraction to the same gender? Sexuality isn't as fluid as they teach you at SJW school, try respecting a declared orientation. I would not buy this again.

Pretty good

These games have had consistently awesome games and have not let us down by continuing its streak with The redemption season with great writing and compelling stories. I also love how you don't need to play each game in order to enjoy it. I read this one first and still absolutely loved it and when I realized this was a series I was ecstatic. While I think that some of the characters could use a bit more fleshing out and some more dimensions it is a great game and I am am excited to see its future!

Utterly Astounding

Honestly this whole series and this continuation of it are gems that everyone should experience

Amazing and moving

I loved how there is another group of powerds and that you can be the voice of your oppressed and miss treated people the only thing I hated was how it kinda leaves you hanging but besides that a great game


I'm so excited for the next part to come out! I really enjoyed this book.

Really Good but...

I have to agree with other reviewers, it's a little much on how much it focuses on minority rights. Of course, it could just be not my cup of tea. There's is still so much to love in this new series. Your character is extremely unique with his skill set. I have to admit, I did miss my original characters powers, but I grew to love the randomness of my new powers and what my character went through from the day to day. I also love how the actions you made throughout the other series can be brought over as Null is still alive and my character acting as its leader. Thought I do have to say that I bonded a lot better with the characters from the first series. It might just be me being nostalgic about the first series, but the characters here just aren't as memorable. Thankfully, the author managed to incorporate Prodigal into the new series, which made me so happy since she was such a unique character with amazing backstory and motivations.Throughout the book, you also get to see how a majority of the characters from the original series is doing and what they're up to. Usually, I find it difficult to find interest in a new book series that continues off of another series, but this has me hooked. I'm looking forward to finding out this "threat" that my character will face.

More than I could want

If you loved the heroes rise trilogy as much as me you may have thought, nothing could beat that experience. But I reluctantly admit I enjoyed this new installation even more, possibly the author has grown and it seemed more evolved but as much as I loved my old heroes rise character and his storyline this new storyline has me even more invested. Essentially what I'm saying is this is well worth the 4.99 and I would buy it again in a heartbeat, if you liked heroes rise or even if your new try this game. Also the author allowed saves from hero fall to create a great background story revolving around your previous experience which is super unique and awesome. I doubt the author will read my review, but if by some chance you do, thank you so much for the awesome content and I hope you keep up the great work. :) Regards, A loyal fan


Amazing game sure but it was way to short needs to be longer.

Such a disappointment

I'm a fan of the original Heroes Rise trilogy, even though I had a lot of issues with the author's representation of the Meek. This latest installment took that up to 11. The obvious political nature of the game is shoved down your throat so much, I had to stop playing and take multiple breaks because it got so annoying and frustrating. To say that the author is trying to convey their own political message in the game is an understatement: he beats you over the head with it repeatedly until the game finally ends. It's disappointing that the future of this series is going in such a direction. I have neither the desire nor the will to stomach another one of these games.

Love it.

I very much enjoyed the first Hero trilogy, and this next entry proved just as engrossing and complex. A lot of people are griping about preachiness in these reviews, but this game is dealing with race and gender identity issues, where the first game(s) focused on socio-political issues. And it raises a lot of awesome issues, in the powered universe context, which is exactly what great sci-fi should do--make us examine what it is that makes us human. I think this is a brilliant take on the super hero genre, and how super powered individuals might shape and influence society.

Falls victim to preachiness

As a massive fan of the original trilogy of stories, I was disappointed by how this story kept screeching to a halt for a Social Justice lecture. The points were made in the first one and I always select the best written response of all at GG's... 'None of us can fully understand what the other goes through.' And that is something we all should take to heart. But this kept retreading old ground. I'm not saying that the issues you tackle aren't important Zachary. In fact the allegories you've made are sound. But it's the *preachiness* and the *lectures* that truly grate on the nerves. It isn't any more becoming when Ayn Rand or Micheal Crichton does it. So when the next chapter rolls around... please stop with the talking down and the lecturing. Weave your message into the narrative. You did it brilliantly before with the original Heroes trilogy! I know you can do it again. A true fan, Zucca "Traveler" Xerfantes


So I'm not a fan of the powers of this hero but that's the point of his cause to help awareness . Which actually makes the book better because your emotions match your character . Hoping you finish this trilogy . You should definitely let us readers choose the powers in the beginning of the story if that's not to difficult to implement into a COG.

I cannot wait for the sequel!

At first I was a bit iffy on redemption season, but then I got waaaay into and now I'm really excited for the next part of this story!

Solid and engaging

It was a fun game to play, a great way to follow up to the previous series, and I can't wait to see more.

An amazing game that has wowed me with all its aspects

After playing the original Heros rise trilogy and being amazed at the quality of it, I came into this game with high hopes... those hopes were met and I'm now on the edge just waiting for another game


I accidentally found this series one day and after playing the first three I said "there's no way these can get better." But it did there is so much mystery and when all the clues come together the deeper/developing storyline is stunning.And I swear when you see Next:Epilogue. You'll wish it went on forever.Plus there are some really deep messages in this game and it really makes you think. What you would do in a scenario like this. Not to mention used something like a game/book to bring up the point of discriminated or "unrecognized" i believe is what they call it groups or society's put a real life feel into the game aside from all the superpowers and stuff. And just that connection to the real world really makes the game/book more relatable and more fun. And I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!!!


Happy to see another Hero Rise game. Can't wait for he next one

Not as good as the first trilogy

I liked this game somewhat, but the way it portrayed political issues is not fun, we have enough of those in real life without dealing with them in something like this, at least in my opinion

Too political - Major letdown

I loved the original Heroes Rise trilogy. I have played all three stories many times over with different characters and even several times as the same character. It's just a lot of fun. I was very excited when the new trilogy began and got Redemption Season right away. Honestly I forced my way through the first play through and I just can not make my way to do a second. I just can't re-read it. The story has a relatively uninteresting protagonist that's very difficult to connect to and is oblivious to the entire world around them. They have lived in Millenial City their entire lives and are yet completely, bafflingly, unaware of any of the events of the entire first trilogy which ended just months previously when this picks up. This Including being unaware of the nuclear reactor meltdown that almost destroyed their neighborhood by Prodigal (and not knowing who she is) in the first novel as well as the death or arrest of the President of the United States! That's insanity and awful storytelling at its absolute worst from a previously great author. Second the book is overly, disgustingly political at every turn. Just about every page talks about the injustice and oppression of minorities and the LGBT community. I get it. I wish that oppression didn't exist either but a novel, especially one about superheroes, should not go out of its way to repeat that message over and over, hammering the reader over the head with it continuously as well as trying to force guilt upon an entire swath of people who are heterosexual. The first trilogy was extremely tasteful in addressing these issues in each story, particularly in The Hero Project. It never was intrusive nor over the top. The way it's addressed in this story is so beyond over the top it makes the entire story a drag. I really loved Heroes Rose and I'll continue to read and play them, however I don't think it's going to be possible for me to continue this trilogy. I've lost faith in the author and don't think I can financially support this. It's particularly appalling when I can't enjoy a nice story about super heroes and actively forget the story even has them because anything resembling powers or heroes is so very few and far between.


it's certainly different from the rest of the hero series. some may find that good or bad. personally, the story this game is telling is one that resonates deeply with me. this is particularly so with the way it handles the topic of disability. as a disabled person, i really appreciate the complexity the game has given to the topic. i have never had a game handle it as well as this one. i've seen other reviews calling it too political. more than anything i feel that wording highlights how easily people who don't face anything similar can label the struggles of marginalized people--our very lives--as political. i respect anyone's decision to not like this game, particularly if they can't relate. but i urge anyone who feels this way to think about how people who this game resonates with often can't relate to mainstream media storylines and representations. i extend thanks to the developers of this game. their games have been incredibly inclusive and i have nothing but absolute respect for them.

Fine, but has a BIG PROBLEM.

I'm not going to comment too much on the story (many people have done that), which I found fine as a story. No, the three stars is for the fact that the bonus for doing above average, the guide for 100% legend, DOES NOT SAVE. I was so angry at this that I put down the game and didn't pick it back up for a while. It saved for the other three games, so why not here? This makes NO SENSE to me.

Amazing Series

I've been with this series from the very first book. I've loved every part of it and I am anxiously awaiting the next part. I love the characters, suspense and the actions you get to be apart of during the game. I find every friendship and relationship on the game unique and the world of the book series to be a interesting and awesome one. Very deserving of a five star review


I love all of the heroes rise games!!! This one was so awesome. It has relatable characters, interesting main story arch, and lots of decisions to make!! Love it!!

Too preachy and hard to get into fully

I am half way through the book/game so far and I want to like it I really do. The first series I was so in love with so its sad for me not to be able to love this new break off series as well. I agree actually with most of the forced political agenda blatantly strewn about this game, that all people should have equal rights and that gay people are awesome. BUT! It's too preachy man, like just as bad as Christian preachy, they love to place messages in all of their stuff. It really interfered with me being able to get lost in the game like I did with the old series. I feel disconnected because I'm assaulted with too much politics and activism. Tone it down man, it's too much. Have your own platform and put on rally's, I would be there but just don't put it all in the game... It's too hard to enjoy that way. Would have given this 2 stars but made it a 3 star because the MeChip was a pleasant surprise.

Representation matters

As a massive fan of the original Heroes Rise trilogy, I had high hopes and expectations for this first installation of the follow-up series. I was not disappointed. One of my favorite aspects of the books is how, as you advance, the narrative and thematic focus transitions from the individual struggle of your hero into considering how your actions effect the world and attitude of the people around you. Zachary Sergei's awareness of the still-relevant need for dialogue about representation of minorities, systematic oppression and prejudice elevated the Heroes Rise trilogy from a collection of entertaining games into one of my favorite literary pieces. With the Redemption Season, he's done it again, expanding both the world and the central argument with a refreshing new perspective. Fun, thought-provoking, and progressive, both this app and his previous works are definitely worth the purchase.

Good Game, Good Writing!

I enjoyed the game, I find the different powers each day a nice spin on our hero. I enjoy the issues raised and discuss since it relates well in our world, but I feel it shouldn't be limited on just those areas, maybe there can be a touch up on subjects like pollution, drug addiction, over population, things that also contain relevance in today's world, I'm eager to see how it affects in the world of heroes and maybe if our character lends a hand in these problems. One more thing I would like to see added is more info and scenes of our old character hero! Keep up the good work!

I really wanted to like it

I really loved the first three games. They were beautifully written and had great plots and narratives. But this one.. This one just felt preachy. I understand if you want to make a political statement, but you have to let the reader draw their own conclusions. Every other page seemed like a political rant. Being smacked over the head every page about the authors views is just infuriating and destroys any storyline. I loved the first three, but I won't be buying the next.


It was an amazing story to be a part of!

Not as Good as the original but

I still enjoyed it. I honestly do prefer the original series; decision making was much harder and I found myself torn, but in this episode I felt everything was more straightforward and easy to deal with. I liked the cameo of my original character, but I wish we were following her story instead. This one feels too political.

Great Stuff

A great follow-up to forerunner trilogy. It was thoughtful and more politically relevant perhaps than its predecessors. A definite reccommendation.

An Okay spin off

Let me get this out of the way, the first series was way better. This entry failed to make me connect to my character as the first one did. When in the first one I truly felt like I was my super hero, this ones writing very much feels like reading a "choose your own adventure " book. I know that essentially this is a choose your own adventure book but the first series did a great job of it feeling like I was the character, every thing that happened to them happen to me,compared to this one where it seemed like it was happening to a character, it lacked the ability to make me connect. The worse part is the ending, this story literally had no real climactic moment and as soon as you begin to build tension and get to that point I get "Next: Epilogue".

Great Work!

As a huge fan of the original Heroes Rise trilogy, I was going into this hoping that the things I loved about the first 3 still remained in this edition. I'm happy to say that this is the case in a majority of cases. My only two complaints, minor as they may be, regard the characters and the political nature of the story. Admittedly, I felt like the characters could've benefited from a tad more development, but, assuming there are more works, I can imagine this will be addressed later. Secondly, the very specific angle this story drives the reader in, while being inextricably linked to the way the character is intended to develop, seems a bit heavy-handed at times, and in doing so pulls a little bit from the freedom I saw in the original 3. All in all, however, I'm thoroughly impressed, and I hope to see more stories soon!

To be fair...

As a choice reader from childhood and having read most of the choice and hosted games I can say the following. As more choice games come out the quality has and continues to improve. That's good. This book while excellent falls just a bit shy of the original Heroes trilogy. On its own its 4 stars perhaps 4.3. Compared to most choice games it's a total gem. Worth the cost and the time needed to read it.


As someone who played the first trilogy, I found this new installment to be fantastic and refreshing. I am very much looking forward to the sequel.


I loved the first series. The author has a wonderful writing style and consistency. But I cannot get past the constant political rants. I believe there needs to be attention called to these things and representation is so important but I just cannot relate to the main character. I had so anticipated this game for over a year but I couldn't even finish it because I couldn't immerse myself in it enough. Definitely not for me.

A Sequel Is Needed

The writing was superb but like the many who believed the second series forced a political opinion on the characters, I have to agree. Still, I do believe a sequel is needed in order to better the first story of this second series and create development for the characters within this amazing series.

Low key dissapointed

I loved the first series. I romanced Jenny and saved the world. It was awesome and the story felt like my characters own. So, yes I'm a little dissapointed with the second series. The writing was great, as usual, but I felt that the story and characters were... lacking. I could immediately compare a handful of the new heroes to previous characters in the series. And the character the player was meant to feel sympathy for I felt nothing. The story itself is alright just not what I was hoping for. After you save the world with omnipotent heroes I guess it's a bit hard to top. The cameo of your first hero was neat but not neat enough for me to feel satisfied. The game has good representation and does relate to the issues we are dealing with today which I appreciated. It also--despite again having what feels like recycled characters--has new pretty great heroes that you want to learn more about. And your PCs powers are pretty interesting and you're left looking forward to the explanation behind it. Overall it was alright. Bit better than average but not as immersive as the first series was.

Show don't Tell.

The writing is nice, and the story is on par with the author's previous work. However, its linear story is made even more apparent due to the author also railroading your character's personality. The writer utilizes themes of discrimination, but rather than guide you to a conclusion and letting you feel as if you discovered it, the author spends a good deal of time putting characters on soap boxes to preach to you. Even worse, your own character spends a good deal of time preaching about this to you as well in an awkward way which makes it so that you barely even have control over your own character's opinions. It would have been great if the author given the player a bit more space and allowed them to roleplay the experience rather than telling us exactly how to think.

Heavy handed

First the good: this is a lengthy story, writing is very consistent, lots of choices. And now the bad: author is forcing a very specific world view and it is incredibly obvious and heavy handed, stats and choices can feel arbitrary at times. I get wanting to promote your view point, but the author does such a bad job of making it feel natural and not forced that it completely removes me from the story, also does not help that the author has an extremely specific idea of how your character should be, and any choices that run contrary to that ends up punishing you. Can not recommend.

Simply Amazing

This game does not let down the expectation set by the Heroes Rise Trilogy. In fact it expands on the Heroes Rise universe, allowing readers to explore the minority viewpoint of life in Millenia City. I loved seeing the my old favorite characters (for returners) and meeting the new ones. Excited for the next installment!

Not worth it

Think of all the things that made the original trilogy awesome, now forget all those things and you basically have this disappointing mess. There are so many stories the author could've explored yet he went with the least interesting one, all with the subtlety of 13 year old. And the fact that every 5 pages there's an " inspiring " monologue from one of the characters advocating the author's political views which breaks any kind of narrative the game had going for it doesn't help either. It truly pains me to write this, because the original trilogy were the first games I bought from Choice of Games and the reason for subsequent purchases from them.

It's not as good as the past Hero Project.

It was boring and less action.

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